Have you every seen something, thought it was really neat, only to pass it up? I did that with the embroidery file for this shirt. I really liked the design but thought I wouldn't use it. Then I saw the anchor fabric line at a local quilt shop and instantly thought of that embroidery file. I couldn't stop thinking how cute the two would look together, so I broke my 'I'm not going to buy any fabric until I have destashed' goal for 2013 and bought the fabric and the design.
I used this skirt tutorial yet again. I gotta say, a simple skirt is the easiest thing in the world to sew. I love making them double layered like this--they poof out, and more importantly, there is no folding over the top 1/4" or so, ironing, and then folding the top over another time and ironing again to make a waistband. I had planned to sew in bloomers but each girl has white panty covers and it is better to be done than perfect!
My original plan was to make the simple skirt with a band of chevron sewn at the bottom and bite the bullet and do the waist band thing. It really doesn't take that long--it's just one of those things I don't like to do (And I have a serger, so it's even easier than the fold, iron, fold, sew method). But then when I got to thinking about making the skirt a double layer, I knew I didn't have enough of the chevron fabric to do it. So, I added a white piece to the top of the chevron piece and it worked. BTW, I quit being so cheap and bought some sew in satin labels. They make me so happy and my sweet Lille Jo loves the labels on her clothes.
Just because the photo shoot for these little outfits went as mine always do, I thought I share some of the not so good shots.
Lillie Jo is the easier of the two to photograph, most of the time. We must have a prop, and her current favorite toy is the bird from Epic that she got out of a Happy Meal. She is a pretty sweet big sister (or at least she was being sweet yesterday) and shared her bird with Cate. Of course we had to have the over the shoulder shot which she loves and then the 'the sun is in my eyes can we be done now???' shot.
Cate is a booger to photograph. She likes to run away and I have multiple pics in triplicate of her running away from me. In the upper right corner there's a pic with her and a very strange look--she was playing a stomping game and she refused to look at me. I thought I'd take her in the pool and may get some cute pics of her looking at the flowers. Yeah, no, the net was by the pool and that was way cooler. I quickly took her inside after this--I've gone in the pool after her fully clothed once and I don't care to repeat it.
I did end up with one sweet, slightly off center photo with both girls and a pappy smiling at the camera. The bird is only peeking out from behind Caitlin and so that's good.
And, never to be left out, here's my main man. He pulled his 6th tooth the night before we took these pics. You notice I said night. As in, he should have been sleeping but was instead wiggling his tooth so that it finally came out around 10 pm and then he was so excited that he wouldn't go to sleep and I almost outed the fact that I am the tooth fairy. It's amazing he can eat anything at all. I don't think any more are currently loose, thank goodness.
Thanks for stopping in.
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