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About me

Hey there, I'm so glad you're here.  I am a wife and mother of 3 little peaches.  I was born in Georgia and moved to Mississippi in 2001.  I love to sew and knit--I hate to clean and exercise, but I do anyways.  I am currently a stay at home mom with plans to go back to work when Baby Zuzu goes to pre-school next year.
This is me with my beloved Daddy.  I still have a lot of family in Atlanta--my dad/stepmom, sister & her family, and step-brother & his family. My mother died in 2000 and it still rocks my world daily. I wrote a lot about her at another blog...Because I'm Mama but decided it was time for a change. I spent a lot of time rereading posts about her. Silly, I know. I was getting pretty down reliving her loss every day and reading what I had to say about her. Don't get me wrong, I'd give anything to have her back, but part of healing from such an enormous loss is letting go and moving on. Once you let go, you can't take it back up.
Our little boy was born in 2006 after a several year struggle with infertility.  He is an answer to prayer, even when my attitude was terrible and belligerent.  Our middlest daughter was born in 2008 after another year of infertility.  Our littlest daughter was a complete surprise, proof that God has His own plans for us.  I look at our family and know that God's very name is Faithful and True.

My husband is literally my better half.  He is strong and steady.  In our 11 years of marriage he has helped me grow in so many ways.  I see his wrinkles starting to form and love him even more for growing old with me.  You will probably never see his picture on this blog--he's a little grouchy about some things.
My hope and prayer for this blog is to encourage just one other Mama.  Sometimes I look around the blogging world and see perfect photos of perfect projects with smiling kids and immaculate houses.  I know that they use Photoshop and yada yada yada but even knowing that doesn't help when I am stepping over piles everywhere and cranking out failed project after failed project.  I'm terrible with color and will screw it up every time.  You, my peaches, will see all of it.  I want you to know that if you are surrounded by mess and failure, you're not alone.

Then, in the midst of aCalgon-take-me-away moment, I see this:
and have to laugh.  Please come back.  I'll add a few Bless Her Hearts to add to the Southern authenticity.
Oh, and while we are on the subject of Southern authenticity, I need to say, for the record, that Southern cooking usually does not involve foods that are not in the mainstream cases at your local grocery store.  You know, like Havarti cheese or orange liqueur.  I'm a fan of greens cooked with bacon and pecan pie.  I'm sick of looking through the recipes in my magazine that is supposed to be about living in the South and it is chock full of foods made with crap that I've never seen at the store.  When I post a recipe, Peaches, it will be for a traditional down home Southern food.  Fried Chicken.  Cornbread.  Sweet Tea.  You get my drift.
PS:  My mother nicknamed me Roed (think Roadie) and it stuck.  My hubs doesn't call me that but the rest of my Georgia family still does.


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