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Monday, October 1, 2012

Is the Second Time a Charm?


In the spring I made the girls matching shirts.  It took me for-ever.  I loved them.  The baby loved them (in so far as she didn't say otherwise, but then again, come to think of it, she doesn't say much of anything).  I got some purple polka dot pants on clearance to match--comfy knit jobs.  We love comfort.  We love purple.  I thought we would be golden.
Being a naieve sort of mother I dismissed that nagging thought in the back of my head--'yeah, but it's not a dress.' 
Posh.  I'm her Mama and if I tell her to wear it, she will.
That Diet Coke that you just spewed all over the can wipe it off now.  If any went up your nose, I'm sorry.
You see, that sweet Peach up there?  She won't wear anything that's not a dress, unless it's a bathing suit.  PJ's?  Sure, if it's a nightgown.  She loves a dress.  I can get her in pants only if I lie to her and tell her "Mrs Leslie (her teacher) said you had to wear pants today."  I am an active pratitioner of Wicked Mommyology, but I don't whip out that particular lie all that often for fear that one day it will no longer work.
As I was recently taking inventory of what still fit and what did not, I pulled out this Tweet shirt from the wadded up dark corner of her dresser drawer.  I bribed her into wearing it to school once and then it was no more.  So, I started thinking of things I could do to make the shirt more...say, attractive.  Enter The Ballerina Dress.
My sister made me buy  helped me pick out The Ballerina Dress at Costco.  It was a dress, it had a ruffled tutu skirt, it had sparklies, Aunt Nikki picked it out, and we wore it 3 days straight.  Bedtime, to the store, to school, ev-ery-where.  Fast forward several months and the beautiful tutu skirt hangs in pieces.  So beloved is the dress that I told her if I cut part of the skirt off  she could still wear it and she agreed.
That got me to thinking--If I want her to wear the Tweet shirt that I worked so hard on and she loves a skirt and she loves a tutu, why not marry the skirt/tutu to the Tweet shirt and then she can't say no, right?  Don't answer that.  I know all too well the real answer here.
I'm happy to report that she loves the dress.  I do not.  It just doesn't hang right.  If I could cut off all that tulle that I nearly lost my sanity in gathering and have just the underskirt, I'd love the little dress.  But, the tulle is what sold her on the dress.  The tulle stays.

See what I mean?  The top layer is too short and it all rides up in funny places.  She doesn't care.  The underskirt is some sparkly pink jersey that I finished with a lettuce edge.  There is a 12" layer of gathered plain pink tulle covered with a 12" layer of tulle with a pink ruffle sewn at the bottom.  I cut a 2" piece of tulle, gathered it, sewed it down the middle, and then ironed it over to make it a double ruffle.  I repeated the process with an 11" double layer and then a 10" double layer.  6 layers of tulle.

Apparently, the mermaid had to be in every picture.  And then we had to be done.

So the second time was a charm for this little shirt.  Baby Girl has outgrown hers.  Bummer.  If only I had made the tulle into a circle skirt, or maybe a bit fuller.  Maybe I'd like it then.

Oh, and by the way.  If you set a hot iron down on tulle, it will instantly melt it.  I mean, poof, your tulle is gone into a thin pink haze on the bottom of your iron.  I told you I fall down a lot.



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