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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Put Me in Coach

Sooo, it's the first day of 5-6 Year Old Buddy Ball in the Jones household.  We.  Are.  Pumped.  Complete with dresses for the girls.  Aaaand we sit down to lunch and hear this...

But not to worry.  It stopped after 15 minutes or so and we were still on.  Have you ever taken a 2 year old to a ball field with a smorgasbord of hazards and places to challenge one's climbing skills?  It is madness I say.  I sat down for the game very little and followed Caitlin all over the bleachers.  Up.  Down.  Don't need to get on the stairclimber today.  Then it started raining again and the little booger wouldn't stand under the umbrella but chose to stand out in the rain fussing about getting wet.  I'm sure there's a moral in that--some witty phrase that could be said but that ain't my specialty.

Sewing is.  Or at least I like to think it is.  I sewed these dresses for the girls and to my utter horror, one of the flatlocked seams started coming apart.  *gasp*

Yes, the dress is taped to the wall with painter's tape.  I'm so dope I'm illegal in 55 states.  (name that quote)


This dress used only fabrics from my stash AND embroidery files already owned.  Oh yes.  I have a hoard of those as well.  We have flatlocked seaming to join our fabric strips for the skirt and the ever present lettuce hem and scalloped neckline.

They came in 5T and 2T but there were some technical difficulties with both...

 Only Lillie Jo made it to the ball field in the dress.  Cate was sleeping right up until time to leave for the ball game.  So, an hour nap.  Yeah, she's a booger bear right now.  I'm getting whacked with a drum stick as I type.  I can either shut it down and stop what I'm doing or ignore it and embrace the pain.  But I digress.

Look at this pose.  She insists on turning that head to the side.  Check out the Rapunzel Frying Pan necklace.  It's her Phi-Ten.

All in all it was a good time.  Aubrey got an out and hit the ball well. 
It's amazing how you keep telling yourself that the hard part is when they are little and you have to do everything for them.  You fall into bed exhausted because you have literally hugged and kissed and clothed and fed and bathed and protected and played with and disciplined (and disciplined and disciplined) 3 kids 5 and under.  Oh no, my friends.  Wait til school starts and you have carpools and extracurriculars.  I dread the days of three kids in three separate activities going to three different places. 

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