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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Confession

Well, Peaches, it's been almost 2 months since I last posted.  After much soul searching and some much needed honesty I decided that I'm just not cut out to be a blogger.  I mean, I'll still blog some because somewhere in the back of my brain it just seems so awesome.  Here was my reality:

  1. My house became a trash heap.  Trash.  Heap.  Hot Mess.  Pile of gar-bage.  No matter how you say it the message doesn't change--we were stepping over piles and tripping over toys and the detritus common in homes of small heathens children.  The laundry threatened to overtake us.  It is especially frustrating when you live in a largish house and the whole dang thing gets that bad.  I married the best man on the planet who has the innate ability to overlook trinkets and crap laying around.  I knew I had reached a point when he gave 'That Look.'  The one that says he's had enough.
  2. I was ignoring my little people while trying to create things for them.  I know. 
  3. I was coming unglued when the said little people refused the wear said things I made for them, which was pretty darn often.
  4. I was spending more time taking pictures, editing pictures, uploading pictures, writing posts, editing posts (get my drift?) than I was actually sewing.  While I like blogging, I love sewing.  It took a little out of it to take photos at every step.
  5. Here's the kicker.  I have a job and can work at it as much or as little as I wish.  From home.  It just doesn't involve sewing.  I make waaaaay more going to work than I would if this blog actually took off and I got sponsorships.  And, there's a 401K.
  6. And now the honesty--I just don't have a great creative eye.  I can knock off something exactly but I don't have access to a wide variety of fabric without Internet shopping.  If you've ever shopped for fabric on-line you know the danger of buying something without actually touching it.  I can use a garment as an inspiration and still not like the finished product no matter how much I like the inspiration piece.  I suck at mixing prints unless they are all from the same fabric line.  I'm never gonna have eye-popping photos.  I really suck at tracing/making my own patterns.  I have a few really cute patterns that I make over and over again.  I can make ruffled bottom pants in my freaking sleep.
I still sew a lot.  I made a really cute Christmas outfit for Princess, a Grinch shirt for The Boy, and matching outfits for the Girls.  I sent out Christmas cards with a photo taken with an iPhone.  (totally out of context I know)  I forgot to sign half of them.  I helped my kids make numerous Christmas crafts.  We sang more rounds of Jingle Bells than I ever hoped we would.  We saw Charlie Brown Christmas at the historic theater, complete with popcorn and Cokes.  It was a good Christmas.

We leave for Georgia soon.  Can't wait to soak in some Sister Time and get a good Daddy hug.  I plan on sewing along with Project Run and Play.  We'll see how that goes.  It involves sewing and blogging and I don't have a signature look, so I'm not holding my breath.  I'm trying hard to stop and enjoy the little things every day.  Giggles.  The pitter patter of little feet.  Curls.  The magic of reading.  Siblings playing together.  Big brother being big.  Sweetness.

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