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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013--The year of posts that never made it here

 Weelll, we can put a fork in '13 cause it sure is done.  Looking back through the blog posts, I did pretty well on keeping things up to date until school started back in the fall.  So, instead of a round up of things I did post, here's a round up of things I didn't post.

 We did a lot of playing, fort building, tea partying, swimming, bubbles, and more playing.

 I did a lot of sewing that didn't make it here.  These are just the ones I have pictures of....

I had a lot of projects that we did that would have made cool posts.  Things like making slippery kid boots not slippery, painting hand me down birdcages into a new cool distressed look, how to have pretty pots on the cheap, refreshing chairs into kid friendlier versions, and lots of fun things to do with kids.  Too bad they never made it here....

Cate spent a lot of time being 2.  Here she is not getting her way.  So she goes to stand in the corner.  Then the puts her hands on her hips with a 'hmph!'  Then she turns her back to me with her hands on her hips.  Then she starts giggling.  Wash, rinse repeat.

We had some really sweet times.  Apparently I took a lot of selfies.  Including the one I took in the mirror with Cate on the day I went back to work...

We did some silly things and I took more selfies.

Lillie turned 5!!! And had her first friend birthday party.  Ariel, of course...

We had the Seibel Thanksgiving at our house.  We had so much fun.  And a house full.  15 for night and 20 for lunch on Thanksgiving Day.  I wanted the turkey to taste good, so I asked my sweet brother in law to cook it for me and he did a great job!

I have very few pictures from Christmas.  Maybe that's because we all got the stomach bug (yes, all 5 of us) within a few days of each other and didn't feel great until after Christmas.  I was the last man standing, so that stank for me.  We made the trek to Atlanta and got stuck in traffic on the way home.  Papa put out quite a spread.  It was a great Christmas.  I made stockings and it took me all of December to finish them.  They were hung on Dec 23.

It was a blessed year.

And I got my hair whacked off.  12 inches.  I love it.

Stay in touch.  I have some goals and things to share for 2014.  Sorry for the repeats in the photos...There were some I just liked too much...

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